Laya Village in Gasa

Laya Gewog is located in the north-western part of Gasa Dzongkhag. It is the second largest among the four Gewogs of Gasa Dzongkhag. It has an international border with Tibet in the North. The area of Laya Gewog is approximately 981.5 sq Km (242528.65 acres) with a Total population of 1108 (Male-602 and Females 506) (as per Population and Housing Census of Bhutan, 2005).

Laya Village in Gasa
Laya Village

Laya Village is a settlement with around 110 houses and is also one of the most remote places in Bhutan which are so unspoiled by the modern world that there is no well-constructed road leading to the place. However, the only way to access this village is via a two-day trek from the nearest town named Gasa which is around 28 km away from Laya. This not-so-difficult trek will take you across the marvellous scenery of Bhutan through the muddy paths with just one stop at Koina. From Koina, it takes about 7 hours to step into the picturesque panorama of Laya.

The Best Time to Visit Laya Village

The best time to visit Laya Village in Bhutan is during the spring and autumn seasons:

Spring (April to June) in Laya

  • Highlights:
    • Mild and pleasant weather
    • Blooming wildflowers and rhododendrons
    • Clear skies offer stunning views of the mountains
  • Activities:
    • Trekking and hiking
    • Exploring the local culture and traditions
    • Photography

Autumn (September to November) in Laya

  • Highlights:
    • Crisp and clear weather
    • Colourful autumn foliage
    • Major festivals like the Laya Auley, a unique Highlander festival
  • Activities:
    • Trekking (particularly the Snowman Trek which passes through Laya)
    • Cultural immersion and festival participation
    • Wildlife spotting

Visiting Laya Village in Gasa during these times ensures the best weather conditions and the opportunity to fully experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of the region.

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