Trans Bhutan Trail

12 Days

Trans Bhutan Trail. Bhutan opened its border to its first tourists in 1974 approximately 50 years ago. The first group of tourists travelled from Phuntsholing crossing the Indian border taking almost 3 days to reach Thimphu the capital city. The Bhutanese used to get the necessary items like salt, clothing, and other basic needs from Tibet. Our forefathers used to take this journey to Tibet taking butter, Cheese, and meat for the exchange of basic needs from Tibet. Our forefathers took many routes to reach Tibet, and it’s not often you can hike a historic trail used for millennia by royals, monks, and traders.

Embark on an unforgettable 12-day journey along the historic Trans Bhutan Trail. The trail retraces a 60-year-old route through Bhutan’s remote villages and breathtaking landscapes. Starting from Haa and ending in Punakha, this trek offers a glimpse into the country’s rich heritage, with stops at Tiger Nest Temple, Thimphu, Trongsa Dzong, Bumthang Valley, and more. Experience the tranquillity of rural life with idyllic camping spots and homestays, immersing yourself in Bhutan’s spiritual and natural wonders. This moderate to extreme trek, led by licensed guides, promises an adventure filled with history, culture, and the beauty of Bhutan’s untouched trails.

Trail Route

The trail stretches for approximately 670 kilometres (416 miles) across Bhutan. It starts in the subtropical plains of the south and ascends through lush forests, alpine meadows, and remote mountain passes before reaching the high-altitude regions of northern Bhutan.

Trekking the Beauty of Trans Bhutan Trail

The Trans Bhutan Trail allows hikers to witness the diverse landscapes of Bhutan, including dense forests, cascading waterfalls, pristine rivers, terraced fields, and towering peaks. The trail provides breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountain range and offers an immersive experience in Bhutan’s untouched natural surroundings. You can also explore the Trekking Trails of Bhutan

Cultural Immersion

Along the route, hikers have the opportunity to explore Bhutan’s rich cultural heritage. The trail passes through several traditional villages, monasteries, and sacred sites, allowing visitors to interact with local communities and experience Bhutanese hospitality firsthand. This cultural immersion adds a unique dimension to the trek.


Bhutan is known for its incredible biodiversity. The Trans Bhutan Trail showcases the country’s wide range of flora and fauna. The trail passes through various protected areas and national parks. It provides opportunities to spot rare and endangered species such as the Royal Bengal tiger, snow leopard, red panda, and many species of birds.

Trans Bhutan Trail Difficulty

The Trans Bhutan Trail is a challenging trek that requires physical fitness and endurance. The terrain varies from steep ascents and descents to narrow and rocky paths. The trail can take around 25 to 30 days to complete, depending on the pace and stops. It is recommended for experienced trekkers or those with prior long-distance hiking experience.

Permits and Regulation

Due to the remote and sensitive nature of the trail, permits are required to trek the Trans Bhutan Trail. These permits can be obtained through a registered Bhutanese tour operator. The Tour Operator will arrange logistics, guides, and support during the trek. It is important to abide by Bhutan’s environmental and cultural regulations to preserve the trail. It’s best to take this route in April as the weather remains favourable at this time of the year.

Trip Highlight

  • Explore the 60-year-old route used by the Bhutanese before the modernization.
  • Hike the remote routes and villages never explored before.
  • We will only do a quarter of the Trans Bhutan Trail starting from Haa and ending at Punakha.

Trans Bhutan Trail Itinerary Overview

  • Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport and Acclimatisation. Altitude 2300M
  • Day 2 Tiger Nest Hike. Distance 15 Km | Time Taken 5 Hours to Fro.
  • Day 3 Drive from Paro to Thimphu. Distance 60Km | Time Taken 1.5 Hour
  • Day 4 Thimphu to Chendebji. Distance 160 Km | Time Taken
  • Day 5 Chendebji to Tsangkha
  • Day 6 Tsangkha to Trongsa
  • Day 7 Trongsa to Gyetse
  • Day 8 Gyetse to Bumthang
  • Day 9: Bumthang to Paro via domestic flight and drive to Haa.
  • Day 10 Haa to Chelela. Distance 30Km | Walking Hour 5/6 Hours.
  • Day 11 Paro Rest day with Hotstone Bath.
  • Day 12 Paro to Airport and See Off.

Similar Treks and Sights

Trans Bhutan Trail Itinerary

Arrival at Paro airport for Trans Bhutan Trail Hike. Paro Airport is one of the smallest and dangerous airport in the world with beautiful valley sorrounding the airfield. Only few pilots are trained to land at Paro airport. Once the plane lands at the port you will be greeted with frsh air of Paro valley. The walk to the immigration office takes about 2 minutes and after your Visa procession our team from Tour Bhutan will assist you and brief you about Trans Bhutan Trail program. A quick drive around the Paro valley and over night at Hotel.

Tiger Nest trail. This 12 Km trail takes about 3 hours for average walker and it is uphill hike. From the base you also have option to take pony for Nu.700 while going up. The trail takes you through alpine forest and beautiful view of Paro valley. the lane is well paved and repaired during Covid 19 by the tour guide. Upon reaching the cafe we will rest for sometime with a cup of coffee with perfect view of Tiger Nest temple. Nest 30 minutes walk you will be welcomed with small waterfall and grand view of the Tiger nest temple built in 6th century by the saint Guru who came from Tibet. Guide will expalin the details of monastery. In the afternoon we will visit Paro Rinpung Dzing and Dungtse Temple. Over Night at Hotel.

Drive to Thimphu. The drive to thimphu (7700ft/2350m) is only 60 Km from Paro and easily negotaited in 1.5 hours. You have to back track to Chuzom where your paper are checked sometime before leaving to Thimphu. Campared to Paro valley along the Wang chu river is arid and has mainly scrib as vegetation. The country side from Chuzom to Tjimphu is less forested. The drives are beautiful as the roads are recently widened and well paved. On the way visit Simtokha Dzong. The place where the Dzong is located was called Sinmo Dokha( stone of Demon) till the Zhabdrung cleansed and purified it and built the present dzong and named as San Ngay Sabdon Phodrang (the palace of profound Tantric Teaching). Driving further to the express way you come across bridge spanning the Wang chu (The old one Lungten Zampa or the bridge of Prophecy). The guide will expalin why its called the bridge of Prophecy. Enter the bustling town of Thimphu and Check into Hotel Jumolhari located right in the middle of the City near clock tower.

The drive is long and we start early via Dochula Pass-through Punakha and to Chendebji where the trek begins. As you leave Punakha and climb towards Pelela pass 911070ft/3375m) which is marked by chortens and Prayer flags. Approaching the pass you find the slopes of the hills covered in bamboo, locally called ‘ham’, which is favorite meal of the resident yak population. the road now descends gradually to the langthel valley, passing through groves of fir trees to the evergreen and finally the broadleaved varieties. On the opposite side of the roads is the village Rukubji with its clustered hones and gompa. the land is well cultivated with crops of mustard, wheat, barley and potatoes. You then drive past sephu village known for the bamboo baskets and mats produced here. the next village is chendebji the place where the Trans Bhutan trail trek begins. The Chendebji monastery on the banks of the nikkar chu. the startling white stone chorten is built in the Nepalese style with eyes painted on all four sides. Camping at Chendebji.

Chendebji to Tsangkha trail begins with smooth climb through pine forest. Eat breakfast at your camp before rejoining the Trans Bhutan trail at the Chendebi Chorten (stupa). Follow the trail along the old East-West National Highway and then trek back into the countryside towards the village of Tangsibji. Fill those stomachs with a farmhouse lunch in the village before continuing further along the trail passing several hydroelectric project sites. These clean, renewable energy projects are one of the ways in which Bhutan has achieved its status as the only carbon negative country in the world. In the afternoon, visit the Trashi Choeling Lhakhang (temple), located in Trashiling village. Once the group arrives in Tsangkha you will visit the Tshangkha Lhakhang (temple) before heading to your campsite where you will enjoy a hot shower and a locally-sourced organic dinner with the group.

Tsangkha to Trongsa hike. Trongsa is very important distrcit for Bhutan Royal Family. Today we hike to this places. Today’s trek includes a short, but steep climb out of Tsangkha passing the Ugyen Choling and Tsangkha Sheydra. Then, the trail drops back down to cross the National Highway at the Trongsa viewpoint which is considered to be the geographical center point of Bhutan. Recreate the experience of past royals as you descend as a group into the steep valley below. See spectacular views of the Dzong (fortress) and cross the old cantilever bridge over the Mangde River before climbing the other side of the valley to reach Trongsa Dzong via the Western gate. Overnight at Hotel in Yangkhil Resort.

Trongsa to Gyetse hike begins after breakfast. Wave farewell to Trongsa today and head back out on the Trail for some more hiking. The trail between Trongsa and Gyetsa begins with a gradual climb upwards to Kewathang. Trek through a stretch of dense forest as the group continues through Yotongla where you’ll stop to enjoy a picnic lunch. Cross through meadows and through open forest until the trail reaches the Gyetsa River. Once the group arrives at camp in Gyetsa you’ll be able to enjoy a hot shower and a locally-sourced organic dinner at the campsite.

Gyetse to Bumthang trail begins today.

Today after breakfast the group will trek through the most historic section of the trail. This section was used by the royal family when they travelled between their winter and summer residences. You’ll travel through Kikila Pass before descending into the Bumthang Valley. We’ll stop along the way for a picnic lunch, enjoying the scenery.

In the afternoon visit the Jakar Dzong(the palace of white Bird) and walk around the valley of Bumthang. Over Night at Hotel

Bumthang to Paro via domestic flight. It takes about 25 minutes. The flight is one of the amazing mountain flight in Bhutan.

Hike starts from Haa to Chelela and to Paro. The trans-Bhutan Trail begins from Haa valley towards Chelela Pass. The hike takes about 7 hours till Chelela Pass ( 4200m) the highest road point of Bhutan. the trail was popularly used by people from Paro and Haa valley to trade.

Distance: 17Km.
Walking time: 7 Hours.
Max Altitude: 3950m.

Paro city tour. Visit Dungtse Lhakhang and Paro dzong. Dungtse Lhakhang is a temple just 10 minutes drive from Paro City. The temple is chained to the ground by a thick iron chain believed to have been brought from Tibet. Local belief is that if the chain is broken the temple may fly away. In the afternoon visit Punakha Dzong and the cantilever bridge.

Your quarter Trans Bhutan Trail comes to an end today. Our team from Tour Bhutan will escort you to see you off from the airport.

From $4,900
/ Adult

Trip Info

  • Professional Trekking Guide for the Trip
  • 3 Star Hotel approved by Department of Tourism
  • 3500M
  • Included in the Cost
  • Trans Bhutan Trail is all year round Destination but the best season would be in Spring and Autumn.
  • All meals are included in the cost during cultural Tour and also the Trekking
  • Usually we use english Guide for the whole trip. We also have German, Chinese, French and spanish speaking Guide with extra Cost.
  • All hotels have good WiFi. During the trek tourist can purchase Sim card. It has got good 4G network