Places to visit in Thimphu. Tallest Bhudha Statue

Largest Buddha Statue in Thimphu

AT A TOP HILL IN THIMPHU, the capital and largest city of Bhutan is a massive, golden Buddha sitting atop a gilded meditation hall. But the monument holds an invisible secret: The best place to visit for many people viewing the statue, they aren’t looking at one Buddha, they’re looking at 125,000 of them.

Inside Thimphu’s 169-foot Buddha Dordenma statue, there are 125,000 miniature Buddhas encapsulated inside its enlightened bronze chest, ranging from 8 to 12 inches tall. This means that in Thimphu, which has a population of around 100,000, there are more Buddhas than there are human beings.

Like the large Buddha, these thousands of miniature Buddhas are also gilded and made of bronze, a major reason that the statue cost almost $100 million to build when it was constructed in 2015 to honour the 60th birthday of Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the fourth king of Bhutan.

The statue also fulfils two prophecies. The first, foreseen by yogi Sonam Sangpo, is that a Buddhist statue would be built in the region to “bestow blessings, peace, and happiness to the whole world.” In addition, the statue is said to have been mentioned by Guru Padmasambhava, widely referred to as the “second Buddha,” in the eighth century. This statue kills two birds with one stone by fulfilling both prophecies in a glimmering fashion.

Bhutan Tour Packages

Bhutan is a stunning travel destination known for its unique culture, breathtaking landscapes, and commitment to Gross National Happiness. Bhutan tour Packages typically include cultural exploration, scenic trekking, and opportunities to experience its serene environment.

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